Martes, Agosto 23, 2011

horoscope sign of friends

AriEs  (March 21 - ApRil 19)
       ArieS is The SpaRk plUg ThaT creAtes lAstinG FriendsHip. WhEn yOu NeeD tO tRy soMethinG nEw or GEt oUt of Your Mood, caLL An Aries FrienD. AlthoUgh neVer boRing , Watch out For thier Temper. ArieS Best FrieNdShIp AssEt: courage. 

tAurus (ApriL 20 - MaY 20)
       SiMple and sweet, a TaUrus friend is grEat For a gOOd meaL or A reAsSuring ViSit to a faVoritE place in nature. Contact them after a crisis Or wHen yOu juSt waNt to relax foR a fEw hoUrs. Taurus' bEst friIndShip asSet: StabiLity.

GemiNi (mAy 21 - juNe 20)
        iF You're A SoCial perSoN, You'LL LoVe ThE GemINi FrIenD ThouGh SomeTimEs moSt ComfOrTable in FamiliAr SurrOuNDiNgS, GeMiNI wIll Go juSt AboUt AnyWheRe WiTh A frieNd, EspecIalY if The EnviRonmeNt is MenTaLLy Or visUAly StimuLatiNg. Gemini's bEst FrieNdship AsseT: Light-Hearted Curiosity.

CanCer (june 21- juLy 22)
        loYal to ThE End, A caNcEr FriEnd WiLL giVe you The ShiRt OFF ThieR bAck. LovinG, CaRiNg And GrEat at CrEatiNG coZy diNNer PartIes, The CanCeR frIEnd somEtimEs Expects dePeNdenCy iN RetUrN. ThE beSt cAnCer FriEnd WiLL lEt thiEr FriEnds gRoW up. CancEr's BeSt FrieNdship AsseT:DeeP FeeLing.

leO (july 23- AuguSt 22)
        Leo TenDs To romanticise EveryThiNg And Wants To be thE CenTer oF AtteNtioN. HoweVer, Leo Can Be a Generous And CreatIve FriEnd wHen The LioN learNs thaT oTher rEsidEnTs of tHe jUngLe hAve SomeThiNg moRe To offER tHan Being Leo's aUdiEnce. Leo's BeSt FrieNdship AsseT: Warmth

viRgO (auG 23- Sept 22)
       thE vIrGo frIeNd expResS caRiNg fEElIngs bY dOinG taSkS foR oTherS. so If yoU don't kNow hOw Your frIends feEls, And yoU finD youR bookshelveS orGAniNiZed, tOur gaRAge clEanEd or YouR cAr waSheD aD deTailE, yOu'LL knoW youR viRgO fRienD caRes. VirGo's BeSt FrieNdship AsseT: tRutHfUl dEtaIls. 

lIbra (sept 23-Oct 22)
       thOugh liBrA loVes rOmance, The siGn oF thE sCalEs iS aLsO AbouT parTnerShIp and ThE balAnce reQuireD tO mainTaiN gOOD fRienDshIp. thE liBRa friEnd lOveS harMOny anD wiLL go Out of hiS or hEr wAy TO avoId RuFFliNg A fRiendS feAthErS withOut gOOD reAson. LibRa's BeSt FrieNdship AsseT: CooPeraTioN


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