Martes, Agosto 23, 2011

great thIngS aboUt FriEndS.....!!!!

TheY wiLL givE u a Loan aT A much bettER tHan the banK.........
ShAre Ur  dRinkS WiThout FeaR oF GerMS.....(hehe)
ThEy arE bEtter At cheEriNg you Up thAn Bf/Gf Does....
JuSt hEarinG thIer voice maKES a FeeL better.....(so truEeeeeee!!!)
SomEoNe whOm yoU caN truSt ur OnlinE paSSword......
WithOUT thEm Ud NevEr DaRE to AtTenD partIes...(yeaaah !!!parTY!PArty!!!)
wait wiTh You UntIl ur Ride coMes......

And LAStlY FrIENDSHIP is LesS LikeLY to BreAk up Than A romantIC reLAtiOnship Would do.....

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